Invisible Lives artwork

Colours of World Cultures exhibition

Artist Statement Invisible lives artwork depicts a family of war refugees. Without a permanent status in the country, their everyday struggle is often unbearable. There are feelings of depression, uncertainty while at the same time, also courage to keep the hopes up and to not give up. The symbolism of white colour in this artwork…

Unicorns are real Ballarat art on The Block St Kilda

Real Unicorns and Real Rebels at the Renovated Oslo Hotel

Art On The Block. I am excited. The fifteenth season of Channel Nine’s popular renovation show has returned! I am pleased that my limited edition fine art photographic print ‘Unicorns Are Real’ (2015) struck a chord with the rebel couple, Jesse and Mel.  Jesse is known for having a bit of an attitude and giving…

Unicorns are real Ballarat artist on The Block St Kilda

Art on The Block Renovation Show

Media Release 31 Oct 2019 Imaginative Art Piece by a Ballarat artist features in the Oslo Hotel Renovation on Channel Nine’s The Block St Kilda’s Oslo Hotel is getting a makeover on this season’s The Block, and the infamous rebel couple Jesse and Mel have selected a large Unicorn artwork to feature in their renovation.…

Blue drops artwork Aldona Kmiec Artist Blue drops wall art

New artworks

Limited edition print – what’s new Photo: Eve Wilson for The Design Files Australia I’ve been feeling quite homesick lately (it’s been almost three years since I last saw my family face to face and not via weekend Skype chats). So when I do, I dig my archive and I take few more train trips…

Hills Hoist print Iconic Australian backyards

Iconic Australian backyards – new print series

Hills Hoist, an iconic Australian invention An Australian invented device for carrying a clothes line, which could be elevated via a lever mechanism.   Having grown up in Poland, my memories of our expansive backyard are quite different from my Aussie friends. I became somewhat fascinated by the old Victorian houses and various Aussies inventions,…

Origami Cranes Beyond 50 percent Aldona Kmiec Exhibition Backspace Gallery Ballarat

Beyond 50 percent exhibition

Art against violence Beyond 50% exhibition is in response to the growing gender inequality in our global communities. Elizabeth Broderick (Gender Equality Commissioner 2012), noted that violence against women is the key critical issue that is creating a barrier to gaining gender equality, in our society. Feminist activism through art has played a key role…

Alfred Deakin Place Ballarat Parkour

Alfred Deakin Place Ballarat

Ballarat art event photography Ballarat Backyard Tasters art events series commissioned by Arts & Culture City of Ballarat. Alfred Deakin Place in Ballarat usually features some great art exhibitions at the Backspace Gallery, break dancing, zine production, skateboard painting workshop. Backspace Gallery presents a public program of local exhibitions which showcase contemporary art, craft design…

Learn Photography Lessons Ballarat Bairnsdale Gippsland Aldona Kmiec Artist

Learn Photography

Learn Photography in Ballarat and Gippsland Learn Photography You have the camera but are you capturing what you want? Don’t let those moments slip by. Learn photography to capture the world around you. Gift Vouchers available Save on multiple lessons 1:1 photography lessons provide personalised tuition allowing you to learn at your own speed Lessons are available for all levels from…

Sydney wedding photography Polish style

Sydney wedding

Sydney wedding photography I met Arek & Marta at Mt Kosciuszko trip few years back. We had tons of laughter together. I was stoked when they asked me to be their wedding photographer five years later! Friday afternoon wedding in Sydney isn’t the easiest to photograph a wedding! 🙂 Heavy afternoon traffic and the heat…

Women portraits on location Elizabeth Lewis-Gray GEKKO BALLARat Lifestyle Magazine Editorial Photographer Aldona Kmiec

Women Business Portraits

  Portrait Preparation: Clothing Clothing for corporate headshot photography should be professional and suit your company or your business look. High contrast combinations, such as a dark jacket, white shirt and bold tie, scarf or accessories work well. Pastels and busy patterns are best avoided. Solid colours, freshly ironed, long sleeved shirts are flattering, be aware of clothing that…

Inertia Head in Sand photo Feelings of Inertia Musings of a Visual Artist


It has gotten to me. Inertia. I can’t sleep. Photography exhibition project in the pipeline and I crumble like no tomorrow. The comforting thing is, I’m not alone to anxiety, in fact everyone goes through more or less similar experience. But how debilitating is it?!!! Correct. I feel like a heavy bucket of sand today.…
