I’m finally home after a very successful In the Process of Healing photo exhibition / art installation at the Ballarat Welcome Centre, part of the Ballarat International Foto Biennale festival. Sense of accomplishment and pride. Time to clean the cameras, back up files and go fishing. I wish!
I’m happy, fulfilled, grateful and exhausted. Realisation of a worthy cause that has helped me and hopefully has helped others. What has this success been and is it measurable? That’s a good question. Have I been healed, has anyone been healed? And what was the process?
I’ve provided many sheets of A5 paper and pens, recorded voices and asked questions. Who better to measure success that the exhibition visitors and the number crunching on our daily visitors sheet? Event the influenza couldn’t stop me, I was writing to everyone to come and experience it.
It’s been a fantastic show, in a very unique building. We’ve been so lucky to be able to do it. Not by presenting artworks one could buy for the wall, but by creating an experience that would delve into people soul, and quite possibly also cause an emergence of disturbing feelings and memories. This was the risk I was highly aware of, but this is life. We shouldn’t pretend that the life isn’t hard at times, or all the time. We should celebrate it, and celebrate the fight for it, the struggle and the stories of people who can teach us so much with their courage.
I’ve documented every little bit which has now turned into a memory. What I’m dreaming about currently are the waves on the horizon, coming closer and wider, taking over everything else in a swoosh of a silent surf, an imminent touch of a silver blue liquid flushing all but love.
Click on any of images below to see the full gallery:
View the full exhibition gallery here
Let’s break the silence on shame
If you are struggling and aren’t sure who to turn to, check out Kids Helpline or Beyond Blue. You can also call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.
Please also visit this Resource Directory that contains information about more than 70 art and healing programs and organisations.
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