All of us…

…was the theme for the 3rd Harmony Fest Ballarat held yesterday in Camp Street. Organised by the City of Ballarat Harmony Fest event featured a great synergy of music, dance, food and diversity of cultures bringing  5000 visitors for five hours of events. Food included Thai, Africa, Japanese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, French and  there was plenty of good music and dance featuring diverse and colourful Bollywood OM Group,  Archie Roach & Shane Howard, Massive Hip Hop Choir, Sol Nation, Capoeira Filhos da Bahia and more to bring people and community together.

There was also a symbolic welcome from the indigenous groups to our new immigrants in the community – the African groups.

We R You was also present taking portraits for our new posters.. here are a couple of shots and more in the Project Archive here – thank you all for participation – look out for your faces on Ballarat buildings over the next couple of weeks!!!!

We R You Faces of harmony fest ballarat 2013We R You Faces of harmony fest ballarat
We R You Faces of harmony fest ballarat
We R You photo project
We R You Faces of harmony fest ballarat
harmony fest ballarat
celebration of cultures ballarat 2013

harmony fest ballarat 2013
 We R You Faces of harmony fest ballarat

 (Aldona Kmiec,