Here’s a list of useful Art of Photography Books you may find helpful in your art practice. The list was collated by my former photography tutor from London Metropolitan University, Merlin Hendy back in 2005

Historical & Contextual Useful Photography Books Art Photography Books
Author Published Title Publisher
Adams, Robert 1996 Why People Photograph Aperture
Adams, Robert 1981 Beauty in Photography Aperture
Ades, Dawn 1986 Photomontage Thames and Hudson
Andriesse, P 1996 Art Gallery Exhibiting Uitgeverij de Balie
Baatz, Willfried 1999 Photography – A Concise History Laurence King
Bachelard, Gaston 1958/1994 The Poetics of Space Beacon Press
Barthes, Roland 1982/1993 Camera Lucida Vintage
Barthes, Roland 1957/1993 Mythologies Vintage
Barthes, Roland 1977 Image, Music, Text Fontana Press
Bate, David 2016 Photography, The Key Concepts Bloomsbury
Bavister, S 2001 Photographing People: Portraits, Fashion, Glamour RotoVision
Belsey, Catherine 2002 Poststructuralism – a very short introduction Oxford University Press
Berger, J 1992 About Looking Peter Smith Publishing
Berger, John & Mohr, Mohr 1969 Fortunate Man: Story of a Country Doctor Penguin
Berger, John 1972 Ways of Seeing Penguin/BBC
Berger, John & Mohr, Jean 1987 Another Way of Telling Granta/Pluto Press Ltd
Berger, W. 2001 Advertising Today Phaidon (London)
Berger, John X & Richon, Olivier 1989 Other Than Itself Cornerhouse
Brittain, David (Ed.) 1999 Creative Camera – 30 Years of Writing Manchester University Press
Burgin, Victor 1982 Thinking Photography MacMillan Press
Campany, David 2003 Art and Photography (Themes and Movements) Phaidon
Chambers, E & Northedge, A. 1997 The Arts Good Study Guide The Open University
Clarke, Graham 1997 The Photograph: A Visual and Cultural History Oxford
Cobley, Paul & Jansz, Litza 1999 Introducing Semiotics Icon
Cole, Peter 2002 The Theory of Knowledge Hodder & Stoughton
Cotton, C 2000 Imperfect Beauty: The Making of Contemporary Fashion Photographs VA Publications
Cotton, Charlotte 2004 The Photograph as Contemporary Art Thames & Hudson
Creative & Commercial Communications Ltd 1993 The Best Ads Never Seen West Sussex/Open Eye Publishing
Derrick, R 2004 People in Vogue: A Century of Portrait Photography Little, Brown andCompany
Docherty, Thomas 1993 Postmodernism – a reader Harvester Wheatsheaf
Evans, Harold 1978/1997 Pictures On A Page (Photojournalism, Graphics and Picture Editing). Pimlico
Ewing, William A. ???? The Fugitive Gesture ???
Ewing, William A. ???? The Body ???
Flusser, Vilem 2000/2005 Towards a Philosophy of Photography Reaktion Books Ltd
Friday, Jonathan 2002 Aesthetics & Photography Ashgate Publishing Ltd
Frizot, Michel 1994 A New History of Photography Konemann
Gebhardt, Volker 1998 Painting – A Concise History Laurence King
Gernsheim, Helmut & Gernsheim, Alison 1965/1971 A Concise History of Photography Thames & Hudson
Greenberg, R, Ferguson, B W and Nairne, S (editors) 1996 Thinking about Exhibitions Routledge
Golden, R 2001 20th Century Photography: A Complete Guide to the Greatest Artists of the Photographic Age Carlton Books
Gombrich, E. H. 1950/1993 The Story of Art Phaidon
Gronemeyer, Andrea 1999 Film – A Concise History Laurence King
Hawkes, T. 1977 Structuralism & Semiotics Routledge (London)
Hill, Paul & Cooper, Thomas 1979/1992 Dialogue with Photography Cornerhouse
Hollis, Martin 1985/1997 Invitation to Philosophy Blackwell
Jager, Gottfried 2002 The Art of Abstract Photography Arnoldsche
Jacobson, Colin,edited by 200? Underexposed – Pictures can lie and liars use pictures (ISBN:1-903399-21-1) Vision On Publishing
Jeffrey, Ian 1981 Photography: A Concise History Thames & Hudson (World of Art)
Jones, G, Cardinal, D & Hayward, J 2003 Existentialism and Humanism; Jean-Paul Sartre John Murray
Jones, T 2001 Smile ID: Fashion and Style Taschen,
Jussim, Estelle 1989 The Eternal Moment – Essays on the Photographic Image Aperture Foundation Inc
Jussim, Estelle, with Lindquist-Cock, Elizabeth ???? Landscape as Photograph ?
Jussim, Estelle ???? Stopping Time – The Photographs of Harold Edgerton ?
Kopelow, G 1997 The Focal Handbook of Commercial Photography Butterworth-Heinemann
La Grange, Ashley 2005 Basic Critical Theory for Photographers Focal Press
Langford, Michael 19?? The Story of Photography Focal Press
Life Magazine 2003 Life Magazine — 100 Photographs that Changed the World Time Warner International
Lister, Martin 1995 The Photographic Image in Digital Culture Routledge
Lord, B G 1997 Manual of Museum Management The Stationery Office
Marien, Mary Warner 2002 Photography – A Cultural History Laurence King
Martin, R 2001 The Fashion Book Phaidon Press Limited,)
Miles, M 1997 Art, Space and the City Routledge
Morris, Wright ???? Time Pieces: Photography, Writing & Memory Aperture Foundation Inc
Newhall, Beaumont 1982 The History of Photography MOMA, N.Y.
Newhall, Nancy ???? From Adams to Stieglitz: Pioneers of Modern Photography Aperture Foundation Inc
O’Doherty, B 1986 Inside the White Cube Lapis Press
Parr, Martin, Badger, Gerry 2004 The Photobook: A History: v. 1  Phaidon
Pedro Lorente, J 1998 Cathedrals of Urban Modernity Ashgate
Pfeifer, K. 1992 Compact Disk Packaging & Graphics Rockport Publishing Inc. (London)
Powers, A. 2001 Great Book Jacket & Cover Design Octopus (London)
Protzman, Ferdinand 2003 Landscape – Photographs of Time & Space National Geographic
Pultz, John 1995 The Body in Photography Orion
Read, Herbert, edited by 1988 Dictionary of Art & Artists Thames & Hudson (World of Art).
Reuters 2004 The Art of Seeing: The Best of ‘Reuters’ Photography Reuters
Roberts, John 1998 The Art of Interruption Manchester University Press
Robinson, Dave & Groves, Judy 2004 Introducing Philosophy Icon
Rose, Gillian 2001 Visual Methodologies Sage
Rosenblum, Naomi 1984 A World History of Photography Abbeville
Rosenblum, Naomi 1994 A History of Women Photographers Abbeville
Scharf, Aaron 1968/1986 Art and Photography Penguin
Selwood, S 1994 Benefits of Public Art in Britain Policy Studies Institute
Sheridan, Alan 1980/1994 Michel Foucault – The Will To Truth Routledge
Sontag, Susan 1979/2002 On Photography Penguin Classics.
Spence, Jo & Holland, Patricia 1991 Family Snaps Virago Pres
Steichen, Edward, created by 1955/2000 The Family of Man MOMA, N.Y
Stevens, Anthony 1994 Jung – a very short introduction Oxford University Press
Storr, Anthony 1989 Freud – a very short introduction Oxford University Press
Tagg, John 1988 The Burden of Representation MacMillan
Taylor, John 1998 Body Horror (Photojournalism, catastrophe and war) Manchester University Press
Thody, Philip & Course, Ann 1999 Introducing Barthes Icon
Timmers, M. 1998 The Power Of The Poster V&A Publications (London)
Turley, R. M 2000 Writing Essays. Routledge
Vergo, P (editor) 1989 The New Museology Reaktion Books,)
Verlag, Florian K 1967 Painting, Photography & Film: Maholy Nagy Lund Humphries
Weaver, M 1989 The Art of Photography (1839-1989) Yale University Press
Wells, Liz,edited by  2002(2nd Ed) Photography: A Critical Introduction Routledge
Wells, Liz,edited by 2003 The Photography Reader Routledge
Westerbeck, Colin & Meyerowitz, Joel ? Bystander – a History of Street Photography Little, Brown & Co.
Williamson, J. 1978/1994 Decoding Advertisements, Ideology and Meaning in Advertising Marion Boyars (London)
Wilson, Rhonda 1993 Seeing the Light – Contemporary Survival Strategies for the Individual Image Maker Nottingham Trent University
Winship, J Inside Women’s Magazines Rivers Dram Press
Woods, Tim 1999 Beginning Postmodernism Manchester University Press
Zakia, R 2001 Perception and Imaging Focal Press
The AOP 1997, etc The Fuji/Association of Photographers Assistants’ Awards Elfande Ltd (the AOP)
The AOP 2005, etc The Association of Photographers Awards Elfande Ltd (the AOP)
The AOP 2003 Beyond The Lens (invaluable guide to the business aspects of Photography)3rd|Edition AOP
Magazines Art and Design
Art Forum
Art in America
Art Monthly
Art Review
Artist’s Newsletter
Contemporary Art
Modern Painters


Technical Text Books
Author Published Title Publisher
Adams, A 1995 The Camera Little, Brown and Co.
Adams, A 1995 The Negative Little, Brown and Co.
Adams, A 1995 The Print Little, Brown and Co.
Blaker, A A 1986 Applied Depth of Field Focal Press
Blaker, A A 1989 Handbook of Scientific Photography Second Edition Focal Press
BPIF Theory of the Printing Process BPIF publication (Print Graphics andCommunications NTO, Bedford Row, London WC1)
Calder, Julian & Garrett,John 1979 The 35mm Photographer’s Handbook, Pan
Charter, M 1992 Greener Marketing Greenleaf Publishing
Coote, J H and Jack, H 1996 Ilford Monochrome Darkroom Practice: A Manual of Black and White Processing and Printing Focal Press
Crisp, M 1993 The Practical Director Focal Press
Demaio, J 1997 The New Darkroom Handbook Focal Press
DiZazzo, R 1993 Directing Corporate Video Focal Press
Eastland, J 1995 Essential Darkroom Techniques Cassell
Eastman Kodak Co. 1978 Professional Photographic Illustration Techniques Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak Co. 1995 Kodak Black and White Darkroom Dataguide Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak Co. 1989 Kodak Colour Darkroom Dataguide Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak Co. 1972 Clinical Photography Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak Co. 1988 Photography through the Microscope Eastman Kodak
Ephraums, E 1996 Gradient Light: The Art and Craft Of Using Variable Contrast Paper Amphoto Publishing
Fincher, Terry 1980 Creative Techniques in Photojournalism Batsford
Freeman, Michael 1992 The Photographer’s Studio Manual Harper Collins
Frost, L 2001 Night and Low-Light Photography: The Complete Guide David & Charles
Graves, C 1993 The Elements of Black and White Printing Focal Press
Hedgecoe, John 1988 The Photographer’s Handbook Ebury Press
Hedgecoe, J 1997 John Hedgecoe’s Workbook of Darkroom Techniques Mitchell Beazley
Hedgecoe, J 2003 The New Manual of Photography Dorling Kindersley
Hicks, Roger & Shultz, Frances 1996 Pro Lighting – Portraits Rotovision
Hinston, P 2001 Starting Your Business Dorling Kindersley
Hirsch, Robert 2004 Exploring Colour Photography Laurence King
Hope, T 2002 Photo-journalism (Black and White) Rotovision
Horder, Alan, edited by 1971 The Ilford Manual of Photography Focal Press
Hunt, R W G 1996 The Reproduction of Colour Fisher Books
Hunter, Fil & Fuqua, Paul 1997 Light; Science & Magic Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier)
Hurlburt, Allen 1978 The Grid Van Norstrand Reinhold Company Inc
Hyzer, W G 1962 Engineering and Scientific High Speed Photography Macmillan
I’Anson, Richard 2004 Travel Photography (excellent guide, of use to all, not just travellers). Lonely Planet
Jacobson, Ray & Attridge 1988 The Manual of Photography Focal Press
James, T H 1977 The Theory of the Photographic Process MacMillan
Jarvis, P 1993 Production Handbook Focal Press
Jhally, S 1991 The Codes of Advertising Routledge
Johnson, C 1999 The Practical Zone System Focal Press
Kapit, A 2001 The Anatomy Colouring Book Addison Wesley
Keene, M 1995 Practical Photojournalism: A Professional Guide Focal Press
Keller, Max 1999 Light Fantastic ?
Kobre, Kenneth 1996(3rd Ed) Photojournalism – The Professionals approach Focal Press (of Butterworth-Heinemann/ISBN:0-240-80240-30
Laytin, Peter 1996 Creative Camera Controls Focal Press
Langford, Michael 1976/2002 Starting Photography (3rd ed) Focal Press
Langford, Michael 1965/2001 Basic Photography (7th ed) Focal Press
Langford, Michael 1998 Advanced Photography (6th Ed) Focal Press
Langford, Michael 1969 Professional Photography Focal Press
Langford, Michael 1988 The Darkroom Handbook Ebury Press
London, Barbara & Upton, John 2002 Photography (6th edition) Harper Collins
Mezey, P 1988 Multi-Image Design and Production Focal Press
Millerson, G 1992 Video Production Handbook Focal Press
O’Quinn, D 2001 Print Publishing Que Paperback
Pipes, Alan 1992/1997 Production for Graphic Designers (2nd Edition) Laurence King
Proulx, Matt 2000 The Photographer’s Assistant handbook Focal Press
Rabiger, M 1997 Directing the Documentary Butterworth-Heinemann
Ray, S 1997 High Speed Photography and Photonics Focal Press
Ray, S 1999 Scientific Photography and Applied Imaging Focal Press
Rogak, L 1999 Smart Guides to Starting a Small Business John Wiley & Sons Limited
Rogak, L 2001 Starting Your Business Dorling Kindersley
Saine, P and Tyler, M 1996 Ophthalmic Photography Focal Press
Simpson, R 1996 Effective Audio Visual, Third Edition Focal Press
Stroebel, Leslie 1988/1995 Large Format Photography (2nd Ed.) Kodak
Stroebel, L 1993 View Camera Technique Focal Press
Stroebel, L 1990 Basic Photographic Materials and Processes Focal Press
Stroebel, L 1995 Stroebel’s View Camera Basics Focal Press
Swann, Alan 1989 How to Design Grids and Use Them Effectively Phaidon/Oxford
Tarrant, J 1998 Professional Press, Editorial and PR Photography Focal Press
Thornton, Barry 2000 Edge of Darkness – The art, craft and power of the high-definition monochrome photograph. Argentum Press
Towse, M 2001 The Complete Guide to Digital Photography Sanctuary Publishing
Vetter, J P 1992 Biomedical Photography Focal Press
Vogl, W 2004 Gray’s Student Anatomy Churchill Livingstone
Ward, Dick 198? Photography for Advertising MacDonald Illustrated
White, W (editor) 1987 Photomacrography: An Introduction Focal Press,)
Williams, Nancy 1995 The Potential of Paper in Graphic Design Phaidon Press Ltd
Worobiec, Tony & Spence, Ray 2003 Photo Art (In Camera, Darkroom, Digital & Mixed Media) Collins & Brown


Digital Photography & Photoshop Text books
Author Published Title Publisher
Ang, Tom 1999 Digital Photography Octopus
Bird, T et al. 2001 New Masters of Photoshop Underground Friends of ED
Blatner, D & Taub, E The QuarkXpress Book
Caplan, Steve 2002 How to Cheat in Photoshop Focal Press
Cope, Peter 2002 Digital Photographer’s A-Z Thames & Hudson
Daly, Tim 2002 Digital Printing Handbook Argentum
Davies, Adrian & Fennessy, Phil 1996(2nd Ed) Electronic Imaging for Photographers Focal Press
Davies, A 1997 The Digital Imaging A-Z Focal Press
Druckry, T & Stone, A. R.  (eds) 1997 Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation Aperture
Evening, Martin 2004 Adobe Photoshop CS for Photographers. Focal Press
Freeman, Michael 2001 Complete Guide to Digital Photography Thames & Hudson
Friends of Ed 2001 New Masters of Photoshop New Riders
Goto, John 2003 Ukadia Djanogly Art Gallery
Haynes, B &Crumpler, W 1999 Photoshop 5.5 Artistry New Riders
Heller, T & Drennan, D The Digital Designer: The Graphics Arts Guide to new Media Watson Gruptil Publications
Kelby, S 2003 The PhotoShop Book for Digital Photographers New Riders,
Lister, Martin 1995 The Photographic Image in Digital Culture Routledge
Michael, Candra 2001 IDEA 2001 (International Digital Exhibition and Awards) The AOP
Monroy , 1999 Photorealistic Techniques with Photoshop & Illustrator New Riders
Nolan, M J and LeWinter, R 1998 Fine Art Lessons in PhotoShop: Digital Drawing New Riders
Popper, F. 1997 Art of the Electronic Age Thames & Hudson
Smith, C; Ward, A; Loader, V; Oliver, M; Bhangal, S 2001 Foundation Photoshop 3 Friend of ED
Towse M 2001 The Complete Guide to Digital Photography Sanctuary Publishing
Monographs – Photographers
Photographer / Author Published Title Publisher
Adams, Robert 1990? To Make It Home Aperture
Brodovitch, Alexey / Purcell, K. W. 2004? Brodovitch, Alexey Phaidon Press
Cartier-Bresson, Henri 1998 Tete a Tete Thames & Hudson
Dunbar, Andrew & Dean Lahn 1998 Body Piercing St. Martin’s Griffin
Greenfield, Lois 19?? Breaking Bounds, etc ?
Hutchinson, John (Ed) 2000 Anthony Gormley Phaidon Press
Munoz, Isabel ???? Books on Flamenco, Tango & Arabian Dances plus Shaolin Monks ?
Muybridge, Eadward ???? Books on Human and Animal Locomotion ?
Nash, Chris ???? A Glance At The Toes ?
Nash, Chris 2000 Assemblage Royal Opera House
Nash, Chris 2001 Retrospective Exhibition Catalogue Fiat Lux
Richards, Eugene 1989 Death (Emergency Room photo essay) Granta