Beyond 50 percent Aldona Kmiec Exhibition Backspace Gallery Ballarat

Beyond 50 percent

Beyond 50% exhibition was created in response to the growing gender inequality in our global communities. It explored the ways in which art can be used to influence cultural change. Beyond 50%: art activism against violence presented work by six international and Australian artists who identify as activists, craftivists, agitators and feminists: Panmela Castro, a performance…

We R You Ballarat Street art paste up

Street art

Ballarat Street Art murals project #WeRYou, was an inclusive and participatory street art project focused on the power of community, art and ideas to change perceptions and attitudes of Ballarat residents. Over six months in 2013, I facilitated a series of installations of large format paste-ups, designed to combat ugly tagging in known graffiti hotspots.…
